Surprised by Oxford 2023 Full Movie Stream

Surprised by Oxford 2023 online

Christmas Eve in My Home TownWritten by Stanley William Zabka and Donald UptonPerformed by Eddie Fisher (1951 Recording)


Brilliant but emotionally-guarded Caro Drake arrives in Oxford with the singular goal of attaining her PhD, but through a turbulent friendship with a charming young man she starts to open herself up to mystery, vulnerability, and love.. Based on a true story, this film's world premiere was at the Heartland International Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN, to a sold-out crowd on Sat, Oct 8, 2022. Carolyn Weber, author of the book whose biographical novel the movie is based upon, was in attendance, along with actor Rose Reid, who played Caro Drake in the film, and other production members..

Carolyn was an agnostic when she first went to Oxford

She learned, however, over time there, that faith and intellect are not oppositional, antithetical, or contradictory. As she experienced longing to be fully known, which no human could satisfy, God pursued her as He had C. S.

Lewis, was a most reluctant convert

Lewis. As she resisted faith, finding it inconvenient and an impediment to her longing, she, like C. S.

She learned that paradoxes are only seeming contradictions

Like C. S. Lewis, she found that real life and God were in paradoxes, as we see throughout the Bible and the life of Christ.

She found that faith and intellect can coexist richly

She found that God could fulfill her longing to be fully known. This is a good movie for those interested in how faith and intellect can be "held in the same hand," as Carolyn learned.

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